US Living
Things about living in the US (A short note to my visitors: Writing in English is not a way to show off my English proficiency, rather, it's a result of my lack of Chinese typing skill. You see, Bopomofo is the only method I know, but it'll take me f-o-r-e-v-e-r if I have to type Bopomofo. And also, I feel more comfortable writing English after 15 years living in the US. Please feel free to leave Chinese messages as I have no problem reading them. Thank you for your understanding.)

How I met my foreign devil (1)
How we transformed our house into a home (10)
- Our home (0)
- The simplicity of elegant white-painted furniture (0)
- Planting hibiscus (0)
- Making of a patio table (0)
- Charm of vintage/antique ceiling lights and lamps (0)
- Down side of owning a house in the US--Balcony painting project turned into a full-blown remodeling!!! (0)
- Down side of owning a house in the US--Balcony painting project turned into a full-blown remodeling!!! (0)
- Downside of owning a house in the US--Balcony painting project turned into a full-blown remodeling!!! (0)
- A new dishwasher for the new year & frosty trees (0)
- You don't need to be an art critic/artist to enjoy arts--antique paintings (0)
Recipes (13)
- Yummy oatmeal-apricot scones (0)
- Roast sweet bell pepper & a typical American supper (0)
- Home-made raspberry jam (0)
- A recipe with no rule---easy to make salsa (0)
- Spice-roasted almonds, no rules applied! (0)
- Easy to make apricot+raspberry jam (0)
- Yes, he can cook! (0)
- To die for pane alla cioccolata (chocolate bread) (0)
- Don't go bananas, bake banana bread instead! (0)
- Don't go bananas, bake banana bread instead! (0)
- Sunday afternoon walk + basic chocolate cake (0)
- Simple supper--vegetable fried rice (0)
- Hungarian beef goulash--non-traditional Chinese New Year supper with a good friend & my best butter cookies (0)
Trips (9)
Yard sale finds (2)
Antiquing (10)
- One-day antique dealer (0)
- March Tri-Cities Antiques Show (0)
- Trip to the Packwood flea market during Memorial Day weekend (0)
- Grand opening of Judy's antique store (0)
- Eye candy---antique dishes (0)
- Come shopping with me at the Portland Expo Antique and Collectible Show (I) (0)
- Come shopping with me at the Portland Expo Antique and Collectible Show (II) (0)
- Antiques in the Park Show---as a shopper this time (0)
- Junk Barn Girls Antique Show in Stanfield, OR (0)
- First antique show of 2014 (0)
This and that (58)
- September antique club meeting, 2012 (0)
- Our daughter Rose (0)
- Apple picking (0)
- So, you think it's all because we love to eat BIG HOT DOGS!!! (0)
- 2012 Halloween (0)
- Spring garden (0)
- My love affair with Butch (0)
- American houses, condos, and apartments (0)
- House for sale! (0)
- Dreaming of a Pottery Barn bedroom (0)
- May flowers (0)
- A bombshell from Pixnet and controversial local news (0)
- A rose is a rose is a rose (0)
- Pros and cons of living in the US (Warning: This is a long boring article without pretty pictures!) (0)
- May antique club meeting at Judy's (0)
- Whose heart/hearts you are carrying in your heart? (0)
- Whose heart/hearts are you carrying in your heart? (0)
- An irreversible decision---Why I left Taiwan (0)
- Casual and whimsical flower arrangements for your coming weekend (0)
- Meet Bogie Peterson (0)
- 2008 Trip to Hungary (I) (0)
- June garden---raspberries and tomatoes (0)
- June antique club meeting at Elaine's (0)
- Shopping at Richland Farmer's Market (0)
- Come pick cherries with us! (0)
- Funny stories (0)
- Funny stories (0)
- Was the thirst for freedom the real reason for the French Revolution? (0)
- What day is todat? It's laundry day! (0)
- What day is today? It's laundry day! (0)
- July Antique Club Meeting at Lois and Bob's (0)
- Picking donut peaches at the French Orchard (0)
- Update on our vegetable garden (0)
- A shocking discovery about our home-grown tomatoes! (0)
- Picking Ruby Diamond nectarines (0)
- Smooth sailing, Josh (0)
- August Antique Club Meeting at Dennis and Sheryl's (0)
- Why many Americans are overweight (0)
- One of the reasons why many Americans are overweight (0)
- A failed attempt (0)
- A failed attempt (0)
- Fall vegetable garden (0)
- Walking in Howard Amon Park (0)
- Walking in Howard Amon Park (0)
- Wake up, America!!! (0)
- Happiness is... (0)
- September antique club meeting at Pat's (0)
- Grand opening of Christmas sales at Judy's antique store (0)
- November antique club meeting at my house (0)
- Antique club annual Christmas party (0)
- YouTube videos that bring a smile (and some tears) on my face (0)
- Do's and don'ts---How to make your move to the US easier (I) (0)
- Do's and don'ts---How to make your move to the US easier (II) (0)
- February antique club meeting at Joann's---it's all about Shirley Temple! (0)
- Still here... (0)
- Still here... (0)
- Getting ready for my guests from Taiwan (0)
- Happy time always goes fast (0)
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